Alles anzeigenSince the release of Wyoming for American Truck Simulator, drivers from around the world have been taking part in our World of Trucks #CruisingWyoming. In just 11 days, you, our #BestCommunityEver, smashed the set goal of traveling a combined 80,000,000 miles (128,747,520 km) in Wyoming, WOW!
So far, more than 26,000 truckers have achieved their personal goal of completing deliveries to or from any of the 10 unique cities in Wyoming, with thousands more moving closer towards their goal. We've also been continuing to receive a lot of amazing photos and videos under the #CruisingWyoming hashtag!
So, in an effort to give players more time to complete their personal goal and to explore Wyoming at a more leisurely pace, we've decided to extend the #CruisingWyoming event until Tuesday, December 7th, 2021, 23:59 UTC
There was also a small surprise reward to be earned in Wyoming, which we want to remind you about. Lots of you have already claimed your special reward, a Triceratops plush cabin toy, so well done! The rest of you Wyoming-early-adopters can still earn one too! Simply take any External Contract or External Market job to or from the city of Gillette and you can ride with this piece of prehistoric history in your cab.
If you would like to take part and earn free in-game rewards, make sure to read all the requirements and rules at our previous dedicated blogpost by clicking here or at
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