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    Das Thema wurde automatisch geschlossen, da die letzte Aktivität mehr als 45 Tagen her ist.

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    Good news everyone! After releasing several articles related to the Wyoming map expansion and teasing you with a lot of beautiful images, we figured that in order to keep things moving, today may be the right time to bring out an actual gameplay video and add more fuel to the fire in the engine of the speeding hype train. Please sit down, get some snacks and enjoy this short ride-along in the upcoming Wyoming DLC, covering a drive from A to B.

    If you're still holding on to the hype train and not planning on falling off yet, be sure to add Wyoming DLC to your Steam Wishlist, and eventually you will all be able to drive through the same route on your own. Until then, we have much more to show you, so keep an eye out for any possible news in the near future!

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    Im Zeitraum vom 1. Mai 2021 bis 1. Juni 2021 ist der Top Poster:

    1 Nora ( Nora) mit 7 Beiträgen im oben genannten Zeitraum

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!

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    Diese Nachricht wurde am 1. Juni 2021 um 02:01 automatisch durch unseren Bot erstellt